Method of Appointment: Appointed by Mayor, confirmed by Council
Length of Appointment: 3 years
Residency: Strong preference for DC residents from all 8 wards
Paid board: No (all roles are voluntary)
There is established in the District the Interagency Council on Homelessness for the purpose of facilitating interagency, cabinet-level leadership in planning, policymaking, program development, provider monitoring, and budgeting for the Continuum of Care of homeless services.
Commission membership:
The Interagency Council is composed of: (1) The City Administrator, who shall serve as chairperson of the Interagency Council; (lA) The Director to End Homelessness, who shall assist the City Administrator in leading and coordinating the Interagency Council; (2) The administrative head of each of the following entities or divisions thereof: (A) Department of Human Services; (B) Department of Mental Health; (C) Child and Family Services Agency; (D) Department of Housing and Community Development; (E) Department of Health; (F) District of Columbia Housing Authority; (G) Department of Corrections; (H) Department of Employment Services; (I) Office of the State Superintendent of Education; (J) Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency; (K) Department of General Services; (l) Metropolitan Police Department; and (M) Office of Gay, lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Affairs; (3) A representative of any private entity designated to approve or allocate any grants or contracts, on behalf of the Mayor, for services within the Continuum of Care; (4) A representative from a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 10 organizations that are providing services within the Continuum of Care; (5) A minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 homeless or formerly homeless individuals; (6) A minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 advocates for the District of Columbia's homeless population; (7) The Chairman of the Council, or his or her designee, and the Chairman of the committee of the Council having purview over homeless services, or his or her designee, both of whom shall be non-voting members; and (8) The administrative head of the Office of Shelter Monitoring, who shall be a non-voting member.
Individuals with professional and life experience as criteria are listed above or are consumers.
If you are interested in an appointment to this board, please complete the appointment application. A member of our team will contact you to discuss the opportunity.