Commission on the Arts and Humanities

Washington, DC
Commission on the Arts and Humanities

Total public members:               12         

Method of Appointment:             Appointed by Mayor, confirmed by Council         

Length of Appointment:           3 years

Residency:                                Strong preference for DC residents from all 8 wards

Paid board:                                No (all roles are voluntary)


The DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities (DCCAH) provides grants, professional opportunities, education enrichment, other programs and services to individuals and nonprofit organizations in all communities within the District of Columbia.

The Arts Commission is supported primarily by District government funds and in part by the National Endowment for the Arts.

Commission membership: 

The Commission shall consist of 12 members appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Council, in accordance with § 1-523.01. 


Each member appointed to the Commission shall be a person who has displayed an interest or an ability in 1 of the various fields of the arts or humanities and/or has been active in the furtherance of the arts or humanities in the District of Columbia. Members shall be appointed to ensure that they are representative of all the various geographic areas and neighborhoods within the District of Columbia.

Time commitment:  

The Board meets regularly on a need basis.

If you are interested in an appointment to this board, please complete the appointment application. A member of our team will contact you to discuss the opportunity.


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