Walter Reed Army Medical Center Site Reuse Advisory Committee

Washington, DC, DC

Description: The Committee shall advise the Master Developer with respect to the needs of the community, parking and transportation issues, economic development opportunities that may be created, environmental guidelines, contract modifications, and any other issues directly related to the redevelopment or reuse of the Walter Reed Army Medical Center site.


Please note, this posting is only for three (3) Mayoral Appointees who must have expertise in economic development, public safety, law, transportation, affirmative action, or local community issues and must be a Washington, DC resident.   The three community members, appointed by the Mayor will include: 

  1. One member who is a resident of the Brightwood community
  2. One member who is a resident of the Shepherd Park community
  3. One member who is a resident of the Takoma community

In the cover letter, please indicate which seat you're applying for.


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