Workforce Investment Council

Washington, DC
Deputy Mayor for Education
Total public members:26
Method of Appointment:Appointed by Mayor
Length of Appointment:3 years
Residency: Strong preference for DC residents
Paid board:No (all roles are voluntary)


The purpose of the WIC is to serve as a public-private partnership empowered to advise the Mayor, the Council and the District government on the development, implementation, and continued improvement of an integrated and effective workforce investment system. The WIC shall serve as the state and local workforce investment board charged with developing consumer-driven systems and programs to support career development and self-sufficiency and to enhance the productivity and competitiveness of the District's workforce.

The WIC is charged with assisting the Mayor and District agencies in developing a demand-driven system and programs to meet the skilled workforce needs of business and industry, support career development and self-sufficiency, and enhance the productivity and competitiveness of the District's workforce. 

The WIC shall serve as the state workforce development board for the District of Columbia under section 101 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), and, as provided in section 107(c)(4) of the WIOA, shall carry out the functions of the local workforce development board for the District of Columbia under WIOA. 

Commission Membership:

The committee is composed of 35 members, including 2 Council members, 7 agency designees, and the following 26 public members:

  1. Two (2) representatives of District labor organizations nominated by District labor federations;
  2. One (1) representative of a labor organization or training director from a joint labor-management registered apprenticeship program;
  3. Four (4) representatives of:
    • a. Community-based organizations that have demonstrated experience and expertise in addressing the employment, training, or education needs of individuals with barriers to employment, including organizations that serve veterans or that provide or support competitive, integrated employment for individuals with disabilities; or
    • b. Organizations that have demonstrated experience and expertise in addressing the employment, training, or education needs of eligible youth, including representatives of organizations that serve out-of-school youth;
  4. Nineteen (19) representatives of businesses in the District, who:
    • a. Are owners of businesses, chief executives or operating officers of businesses, or other business executives or employers with optimum policy-making or hiring authority;
    • b. Represent businesses (including at least one (1) representative of small business), or organizations representing businesses, that provide employment opportunities that, at a minimum, include high-quality, work-related training and development in in-demand industry sectors or occupations in the District;
    • c. Are appointed from among individuals nominated by District business organizations and business trade associations;
    • d. Shall include at least one (1) representative from the following industry sectors:
      • i. Small business;
      • ii. Law;
      • iii. Construction;
      • iv. Information technology;
      • v. Health care;
      • vi. Hospitality;
      • vii. Business organization; and
      • viii. Retail;
    • e. Shall include at least five (5) at-large representatives from either the industry sectors listed in sub-paragraph d of this paragraph or from any other industry sector in the District.

Qualifications for Appointment:

At least fifty-one percent (51%) of the members appointed to the WIC shall be representatives of businesses in the District. At least twenty percent (20%) of the members appointed to the WIC shall be representatives of the workforce within the District.

Time Commitment:

The WIC board convenes at least four (4) times a year. Any member of the WIC who fails to attend three (3) consecutive, official WIC meetings shall be deemed removed from the WIC and a vacancy created. 

If you are interested in an appointment to this board, please complete the appointment application. A member of our team will contact you to discuss the opportunity. 


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